Love Rain :)

Love Rain :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lotus ! :)

Lotus is the National flower of India. The Lotus symbolizes spirituality, fruitfulness, wealth, knowledge and illumination. The most important thing about lotus is that even after growing in murky water it is untouched by its impurity. On the other hand the lotus symbolizes purity of heart and mind. The National Flower 'Lotus' or water lily is an aquatic plant of Nymphaea species with broad floating leaves and bright aromatic flowers that grow only in shallow waters.

 The leaves and flowers of the Lotus float and have long stems that contain air spaces in them. The lotus flowers have many petals overlapping in a proportional pattern. The root functions of lotus are carried out by rhizomes that fan out horizontally through the mud below the water. Lotuses, cherished for their tranquil beauty, are delightful to take a look at as their blossoms open on the pond's surface.

The Diamond Sutra urges people to "cultivate the heart of a Buddha, by living nowhere." Hence, don't clutch tight to phenomena of this world and to things you are not supposed to desire.

The medicinal value of Lotus flowers

lotus flowers is a very high economic value attached to crops, from Lotus flowers, Lian Peng, lotus flowers seeds, Lotus Flowers, lotus flowers has its unique function, almost you can see the lotus flowers in the lotus flowers garden are all part of their own characteristics and effectiveness In the various functions are as follows:

lotus flowers: lotus flowers can bubble tea, Qingshu fever and bleeding.

Lianpeng and the lotus flowers: a pure heart, bleeding, and livers, lotus flowers heart heat, soothe the nerves, solid fine effects, but also lower blood pressure, cure hypertension, Fanre other symptoms, and more generally for life medicine.

lotus flowers: lotus flowers is rich in starch, protein and vitamins, sweet and astringent nature of peace, a fresh and repose, spleen and kidney and hemostasis, Compendium of Materia Medica said it can make the kidneys, stomach thick, solid essence, strong bones , Complement wasting, Lee eyes and ears, in addition to alpine, treatment palpitations, insomnia, weak stomach, man nocturnal emission, excessive vaginal discharge women, menorrhagia, and diarrhea disease.

lotus flowers: do lotus flowers leaf rice, dry goods can open the spleen, increase vitality, fresh products are Qingshu antipyretic effect.

lotus flowers: vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, protein, amino acids, sugars, etc., is a high nutritional value of vegetables; lotus flowers root of Gan Han, cooling blood, stasis, cooked sweet warm stomach bushing. In addition to fresh vegetables do, it can also be processed into lotus flowers root powder, prepared for the brewing consumption.

Raw lotus flowers root: cold, Gan Liang stomach can Xiaoyu cooling, heat and thirst quencher, appetizers, women are post-production cold bogey, bogey is not only the raw lotus flowers root.

Cooked lotus flowers root: and warm, the effect of Yang Wei Yin, lotus flowers root knot rich in tannins, a contraction of vascular function, treatment can stop the bleeding, hematemesis, hemoptysis, hematuria, blood in the stool, bleeding embolism.

Lin must: a solid fine, bleeding and other effects, raw, fried can be.

Netherlands Terrier: can shun gas, Chest, through milk.

Hedi: You can tocolysis, diarrhea.